Keeper vs dashlane vs lastpass
Keeper vs dashlane vs lastpass


To protect your online identity is it important to use a different strong password for each site and 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) where possible.

keeper vs dashlane vs lastpass

They can all store you password safely, but do they also help you / train you in using secure passwords? The most important aspect of a password manager are the security features. The prices of the other plans are in the same line, around $3.00 for personal use and $5.00 for a family plan.

keeper vs dashlane vs lastpass

LastPass is the only password manager in this comparison that has a free version, how it compares to the premium version I will explain later. All three password managers support all devices (iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, Mac), can store an unlimited amount of passwords and don’t have a limit on the number of devices you are using it on. In the comparison table, I added only the key differences. So before we go into details between the three password managers, lets first take a look at the key features of the three and their differences. Comparing 1Password vs LastPass vs Keeper So I did some research and finally tested Keeper, 1Password and LastPass. So technically I can access it from everywhere, but it isn’t really convenient. I stored the KeePass database on one cloud storage provider and the key file on another. I have set up KeePass with a key file and master password. The reason why I am looking for something else that I miss features like easily sharing passwords with family members or accessing it from other devices.

keeper vs dashlane vs lastpass

So I started looking into a new password manager and limited the choices down to Keeper vs 1Password vs LastPass. I mainly used KeePass which is working fine for me personally, but I always missed specific features. I have been using password managers for more than 10 years now.

Keeper vs dashlane vs lastpass