Dominos rules and scoring
Dominos rules and scoring

dominos rules and scoring

In case of a tie, follow these rules: If 2 are playing, play two more hands 3 players, play three more hands 4 players, play four more hands. If points are tallied at the end of a hand and more than one player has a score of 200 or more, the player with the highest score wins. If a player reaches 200 points during play, the game ends at that point. The first player, or partnership if 4 are playing, to reach 200 points wins the game. Only 1 or 2 pips is worth nothing 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 is worth 5 points 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 is worth 10 points and so on. (5 points for 5 pips 10 points for 10 pips 15 points for 15 pips and so on.) The player who dominoes is also awarded points at the end of each hand by adding up, and rounding to the nearest multiple of 5, the pips on the tiles left in his opponents' hands. Scoring: A player is awarded points every time he makes a play that results in the open ends of the tiles in the line of play adding up to a multiple of 5. When a player dominoes, the number of pips on the tiles remaining in the hand of his partner are subtracted from their score. Scoring when partners play: Players must play individually, but a common score is kept for partners. Then, the player with the next-lowest number of pips scores the difference between his total and that of each of his opponents, and so on. The player with the lowest number of pips scores the difference between his total and that of each of his opponents.

dominos rules and scoring

Scoring if hand is blocked: Each player counts the pips on the remaining tiles in his hand. If a player is unable to make a play from his hand and there are no tiles left in the boneyard, the player must skip his turn until he is able to make a play. If a player is unable to make a play from his hand, he must draw tiles from the boneyard until he draws a playable tile. The ends of the two tiles that are joined must have the same number of pips.


How to play: After the first domino is set, subsequent players must join a tile from their hand with an open end in the line of play. After the first tile has been set, play continues to the left. The first player may play any domino in his hand. Set: Lots are drawn to determine who sets the first tile. The tiles not drawn are pushed to one side to make up the boneyard. Number of dominoes drawn: Players draw 5 tiles from the stock regardless of the number of players. What's unique: Players draw 5 tiles from the stock regardless of the number of players.

Dominos rules and scoring